CCBO Members: If you are a member and this is your first time using the new system, click on the button "Members Click Here To Log In," then click on reset password. You will be asked to enter your email address, where you will receive an email link to reset your password. Once you have reset your password, click on the button, "Members Click Here To Log In," enter your username (your email address) and then enter your password. Logging in first will help pre-populate your contact details.
The Leadership Academy program spans one year, beginning and ending with the CCBO Annual Conferences. The format requires that all students arrive two days prior to the CCBO Annual Conference. These two days are designed for students to have full immersion in the curriculum of the Academy. All students are expected to attend the CCBO Annual Conference following the Academy sessions and take advantage of other learning opportunities as well. This same timeline will occur for the subsequent year. Participants may earn 20 or more CPE credits. Nearly 35 hours of programming, split between two conferences, is created for participants to become immersed in discussions and activities related to leadership skills, current community college issues, and relevant topics. Please note there is a mid-year project that all participants are required to complete. Academy participants do not need to be CCBO members to participate.